Ziva Kriger Children’s Services

Not for profit foundation offering educational services for the Lakewood community

Ziva Kriger A"H dedicated her life to help Lakewood's children

Ziva Kriger Children's Services continues her mission by ensuring that every child receives proper educational direction and services.


Guidance for parents

As a parent, you know that early educational choices will shape your child’s entire life. ZKCS can answer your questions and offer guidance to ensure you make the right choices.


Screenings and evaluations

ZKCS offers school readiness and developmental screenings as well as classroom observations. Knowledge from these screenings will help you make the most informed decision for your child.


Guidance for Morahs

We offer high-level guidance for Morahs and teachers


Placement options

We have a comprehensive list of Morahs within our community and help you choose the Morah that best suits your child’s needs.


Board of Education Placement

Our experienced staff can help you navigate the complicated maze of BOE placement red tape. We’ll guide and advise you throughout the entire process.


Therapy Referrals

When appropriate, we can refer you to outside professionals for related services such as reading, kriah, behavior, speech/language, special ED., OT, PT, and social services.

We're here to help you


As a parent, you need someone you can trust to guide you towards the best possible decisions for your child’s education.


We’ll guide you and work with you towards our common goal; the success of every child in our schools.

Every Single Child

Every child had a special place in Ziva Kriger’s heart, and every child is the only child to ZKCS.


Common questions and answers

How much do you charge?

Phone consultations and general case managing are provided free of charge. In most instances, when we refer to an outside professional for a screening or classroom observation, a minimal fee of $100 is paid to the professional. When the screening is done within the organization, the same $100 charge applies.

Who does the screenings?

Our evaluations and classrooms observations are provided by a select group of professionals that work hand-in-hand with the organization to guide parents. They are not employed by the organization and get paid per screening.

Where does the money go?

The $100 fee is paid to the evaluator. When the evaluation is done by ZKCS, the fee covers a small part of the overall cost.

Common concerns we help address

How do I know if my child is ready for school?

My child is struggling with social skills. What can I do to help?

My child is not picking up aleph beis/kriah. When is extra support needed?

What do I do if my child’s teacher has reached out regarding behavior concerns?

My child does not know the parsha. Is this age appropriate?

My child has difficulty sitting by circle time. Is this age appropriate?

My child’s morah suggested that my child may have sensory issues. What does this mean?

My child doesn’t engage in imaginative play. Is this a concern?

My child seems to be unusually aggressive. Does this need to be addressed?

My child’s expressive language and vocabulary appear to be immature. Do I need to intervene?

My child is approved for services by the Board of Education. How do I make the best placement decision?

My child was evaluated by a therapist. How do I know if the therapy is truly warranted?

My child is in therapy for a while. How can I gauge progress?

My child has a hard time playing with peers. Is this a concern?


Cases handled annually


Calls to ZKCS





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